Photo of Karen O'Connor

Karen O'Connor is a partner in the firm's Labor & Employment group whose practice includes counseling and litigation on complex employment issues including leave laws, workplace harassment and discrimination, discipline and documentation, and drug and alcohol issues. She represents clients before Oregon and Washington state and federal courts and in administrative proceedings. Karen co-teaches in the human resources program at Portland State University and is a frequent speaker in the community.

Click here for Karen O'Connor's full bio.

After a lengthy and contentious rulemaking process, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) published its final rule revising its tipped-employee regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) last week. The new rules take effect 60 days from their publication in the Federal Register, which will occur shortly.  Here is a summary of the new rules’ most critical provisions:

Tip Credit Provisions. Several provisions of the new rules address the FLSA’s tip credit provision, which allows employers to pay employees a base wage that is less than the federal minimum so long as the sum of employees’ cash wages and retained tips exceed the required threshold.  For example, the rules state that employers that take the FLSA tip credit may not include back-of-the-house employees in their tip pools and address the common scenario in which an employee works in dual jobs (one tip-qualifying, the other non-tip-qualifying) for the same employer.  Oregon and Washington do not allow a tip credit against employers’ minimum wage obligations, so these aspects of the new rules are of limited use for Oregon and Washington employers.
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