There has long existed a symbiotic relationship between brewers and farmers in which spent grains, a byproduct of the brewing process, are given or sold to farmers for use as food for livestock. A proposed rule regarding preventive controls for pet and animal food as required under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is causing
Oregon Liquor Control Commission Rulemaking Updates
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (“OLCC”) is initiating rulemaking that would amend licensing requirements for outdoor areas and distilled liquor tasting.
Outdoor Areas
The OLCC has proposed two new rules to address the licensing qualifications and operating requirements for “exclusively outdoor areas,” or areas that do not abut a licensed building. The rule would apply…
Dinner and a Movie for the Whole Family!
Movie theaters with restaurant-style food service will reach a broader audience with the recent signing into law of a bill passed by the Washington State Legislature allowing service of food and alcoholic beverages to their patrons. The law as currently written allows some service of alcohol in movie theaters, but requires exclusion of minors from the premises. The new law will create a new, more family friendly, beer, wine and spirits license for theaters. The license will allow minors if certain conditions are met and approved by the Washington State Liquor Control Board, such as submission of an alcohol control plan outlining the methods to prevent minors from obtaining alcohol, similar to plans that are required for clubs and show venues that host all‑ages concerts. Theaters will also be required to meet food and service requirements, similar to restaurants, to qualify for the license. (Senate Bill 5607 as Passed by Legislature)Continue Reading Dinner and a Movie for the Whole Family!
Exploring the Option of Liquor Licenses for Food Cart Owners
Portland-area food cart owners are innovative, creative, and continue to contribute to Portland’s food and beverage culture. The range of food options varies greatly, but it is easy to find what you are looking for, or get updated on the recent cart happenings, with the likes of Food Carts Portland. Portland’s food cart culture has…