Due to the explosive growth of craft beer sales in many states, including Washington, many distributors are combining non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverage sales into their distribution business. A key point for Washington distributors is to be aware that the Washington Liquor Control Board (WLCB) contends that the so-called “Tied-House” rules governing the sale of alcoholic beverages apply to any such distributors sale of non-alcoholic, as well as, alcoholic beverages. While the WLCB may not be actively enforcing the rules because they are overwhelmed with marijuana production and sale issues, a distributor in Washington state selling non-alcohol and alcoholic beverages, must be aware that all of the Tied House restrictions on things provided to retailers (Slotting fees, free goods, free fills) apply to the non-alcohol products as well as beer and wine. The only exception is a 30 day credit period for non-alcohol sales.