Late last week, Oregon lawmakers shot down SB 1559, a bill that proposed what some called a compromise on liquor privatization in Oregon. It would have allowed grocery stores 10,000 square feet or more to sell liquor from their shelves, while keeping the Oregon Liquor Control Commission in control of the supply. Lawmakers sent the issue to a state task force for further consideration. We likely will not have to wait until the 2015 legislature, however, to continue the privatization debate. A coalition of grocery outlets filed initiative petitions seeking to privatize sales and allow stores over 10,000 square feet to stock liquor. In total, five petitions were filed, all with different language (here, here, here, here and here). It is anticipated that the grocery backers will select one version of the initiative to qualify for the fall ballot. The initiatives look similar to measures private sector retailers backed in Washington in 2010 and 2011.