From our colleague Hunter Ferguson:
The implementation of I-1183 remains on schedule. Last Friday, April 6, a Washington Supreme Court Commissioner issued an order denying an emergency motion for injunctive relief to halt the implementation of I-1183. The motion was filed by the plaintiffs in Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention v. State. The WASAVP plaintiffs were unsuccessful in challenging I-1183 before the Cowlitz County Superior Court and have obtained direct review by the Washington Supreme Court. Oral argument before the Supreme Court is scheduled for May 17, 2012 – which is two weeks before I-1183 mandates the closure of state-run liquor stores on June 1. In denying the plaintiffs’ motion, the Commissioner observed that the Supreme Court very well could issue an opinion before the June 1 implementation deadline, thus conclusively resolving the controversy over I-1183.